Tip-Up Canopy doors are built to endure the heaviest of wind loads.
Ideal for aircraft hangar doors.
Superior Performance
This door system provides a weather-tight seal and maintains a quick, yet stable motion. Get maximum access for your hangar with minimal side room requirements, all with the benefit of long-lasting dependability.
The one piece Tip-Up Canopy hangar door system has multiple wire rope pick-up points attached to the front of the door framing that are run to the counterweight and floor mounted operator assembly. The wire rope provided has a minimum safety factor of 5:1 at each of the pick-up points.
Tip-Up doors arrive to your facility complete including the side tracks, curved top tracks, the operating hardware, pre-wired electrical controls, wire rope pick-up brackets, the automatic sill locks, side and top roller assemblies.
This door system is shop fabricated in modular assemblies to minimize field installation costs.

Tip-Up Canopy doors clear an opening at a quick rate of speed. This hangar door system is available in up to 130’W x 32’H.
- 120’ x 30’ Tip-Up Door = 55 Seconds to Open
- 75’ x 20’ Tip-Up Door = 38 Seconds to Open
The high-speed operation of the Tip-Up door minimizes heating and cooling losses and reduces waiting time, increasing productivity and energy efficiency.
Vertical Movement
The opening vertical rise movement is followed by a simultaneous tilting and rising motion to the horizontal full open position, with the bottom portion of the door projecting outside to form a canopy.
See our other exceptional aviation door systems too: Bottom Rolling & Aperture along with our unrivaled retro-fit capabilities!
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